2nd Swing - Computer Vision

2nd Swing Golf has retail store locations across the United States providing golfers the ability to buy, sell and trade “pre-swung” clubs. With an inventory of more than 80,000 golf clubs, the organization found themselves needing to modernize, consolidate and find a way to provide customers with instant price quotes for trading in clubs.

Warecorp embarked on a groundbreaking project utilizing computer vision technology to simplify and streamline 2nd Swing's customer interactions. The primary goal of this project was to enable customers to show their golf clubs to their smartphone cameras and receive an instant quote for 2nd Swing to purchase the clubs from them.


Accurate Club Recognition

Recognizing a wide range of golf clubs, varying in design, shape, and brand, was a major challenge.


Ensuring the model could function well under different lighting conditions and environments.

Diverse Smartphone Cameras

Ensuring compatibility with a multitude of smartphone cameras and their varying resolutions.

Real-time Performance

Delivering a seamless and speedy user experience.

Technology Used

Deep Learning Vision Model

We trained a highly accurate deep learning vision model that could recognize a vast array of golf clubs with precision.

Robust Image Processing

We developed advanced image preprocessing techniques to handle various lighting conditions and improve club recognition.

Camera Calibration

We employed camera calibration methods to ensure compatibility with a wide range of smartphone cameras.

Optimized Model

We optimized the deep learning model to provide real-time performance, ensuring a quick and seamless user experience.


  • Accuracy: Our computer vision solution has demonstrated an impressive success rate, greatly improving the customer experience.
  • Streamlined process: Customers can now easily receive an instant quote for their golf clubs by simply showing them to their smartphone cameras, eliminating the need for a time-consuming manual evaluation process.
  • Increased customer engagement: This innovative and user-friendly solution is attracting more customers to 2nd Swing's platform, boosting their market presence and brand reputation.
  • Higher customer satisfaction: Our customers appreciate the convenience, speed, and accuracy of 2nd Swing's new instant quote system, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    Efficient resource allocation: By automating the club evaluation process, 2nd Swing can better allocate their resources towards other key areas of the business, ensuring continued growth and success.